Quartz surfaces


In our latest premium projects, we have utilized LAMINAM quartz surfaces to finish the fronts. The attention to professional support in terms of information on application methods, technologies, and possibilities, and above all, the constant access to a wide range of quartz surfaces, has determined our ongoing collaboration with this manufacturer.




LAMINAM quartz surfaces are a conscious choice for AS Home. They are produced entirely from natural raw materials, resulting from the mixing and pressing of various minerals, including quartz sand, granite rocks, and pigments. The resulting mixture is hardened in hybrid ovens at temperatures around 1200°C. This process creates large-format slabs (XL size is 1640 mm x 3240 mm), with a thickness of only 6 mm, making them exceptionally lightweight for their size, yet durable.

Variety of LAMINAM surface finishes:

  • Natural finish
  • Polished finish
  • Soft Touch (silky touch)
  • Brushed finish (ristic appearanc)
  • Flamed finish (wrinkled texture)
  • Chriselled finish (reminiscent of natural slate, featuring soft, wavy traces, smooth to the touch.




Adventages of quartz surfaces:

  • High mechanical resistance, including resistance to abrasion
  • Stain and dirt resistance
  • easy to clean (does not require cleaning agents ot treatments)
  • Thermal resistance
  • Does not discolor under prolonged exposure to sunlight
  • Possibility to apply the same pattern on both the countertop and furniture fronts.

Disadvantages of quartz surfaces:

  • Quartz surfaces. are brittle and not very impact-resistant
  • Due to their size, they are difficult and costly to transport
  • Cutting quartz surfaces requires experience and specialized equipment.


Depending on the application, LAMINAM suggests appropriate thicknesses. Before the slabs made of quartz surfaces are mounted on our furniture, they need to be properly prepared. Thanks to training from LAMINAM, including at their factory in Bergamo, we possess the necessary qualifications for their processing. Precision is crucial here, as well as specialized equipment. All of this will be provided to you when choosing furniture with finishes made of quartz surfaces.


We propose quartz surfaces:


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